Creand Crèdit Andorrà named Best Digital Bank and Best CSR Bank in Andorra in the 2024 Global Banking & Finance Awards - Creand
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Creand Crèdit Andorrà named Best Digital Bank and Best CSR Bank in Andorra in the 2024 Global Banking & Finance Awards

The awards recognise the digitalisation and sustainability programmes promoted by the bank’s strategic plan

Creand Crèdit Andorrà has been recognised in the Best Digital Bank Andorra 2024 and Best CSR Bank Andorra 2024 categories of the annual awards presented by the financial publication Global Banking & Finance Review. These awards acknowledge the advancements made in the bank’s roadmap for digitalisation and sustainability, two pillars of its strategic plan.

Creand Crèdit Andorrà’s digital banking proposal focuses on tools that enhance customer service through new digital channels, improving user experience while fostering engagement with the bank. The bank’s efforts towards digitalisation have led to 59% of customers now being digital, over 57% of online banking transactions being made via mobile and achieving more than 120,000 monthly online banking transactions in 2023.

In 2024, the bank launched the new Creand Online Banking app, significantly improving the user experience, particularly on mobile devices, by offering smoother navigation, customisable features, and a wide range of financial operations. The new app includes a much more secure transaction validation system, with active biometrics and notifications. In the market section, the functionalities for tracking investments have been expanded, including access to advanced charts. Another notable digital project is the use of predictive models based on artificial intelligence to maximise service personalisation and better tailor offerings to customer needs.

The CSR award acknowledges the bank’s pioneering efforts in the field of sustainability. In 2023, a significant step forward was taken with the creation of the Sustainability Unit, which defined a new strategy that has been integrated into the overall corporate strategy. One of the main goals is to promote the integration of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) aspects into the business and internally within the bank, and to coordinate initiatives on sustainable finance. Key programmes recognised by this award include a new line of loans based on sustainable criteria, entry into the national carbon credit market with the installation of electricity production plants, and the issuance of the first green, social, and sustainable bond by an Andorran financial institution, aimed at environmental and social impact projects in the country.

Sandra Sancho, head of Online Banking and New Channels, and Martí Alay, Director of the Sustainability Unit, with the awards.

Sandra Sancho, head of Online Banking and New Channels at Creand Crèdit Andorrà, said “We aim to offer digital solutions that allow us to evolve towards an omnichannel experience, fostering new digital relationships that provide high value for the customer.”

Martí Alay, Director of the Sustainability Unit, said “We want to accompany our clients and society as a whole in the transition towards a forward-looking economic model, and we do so through our committed banking, which prioritises financial inclusion and education as well as the fight against climate change.”

According to Global Banking & Finance Review, the Best Digital Bank and Best CSR in Andorra awards reflect the innovation, achievements, strategy, and progress driven by banks internationally each year.