Who are we - Creand
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Who are we?

We are an innovative and committed financial group. We work to bring value to our shareholders, customers, employees and society.

We are a financial group with over 70 years experience in Andorra and a strong international presence. We provide global private banking and asset management services, retail banking and a wide range of insurance services. Our vocation for service and proximity is the principle that has defined and guided us throughout our sound track record.

Committed and with the conviction that economic sustainability depends largely on social and environmental sustainability, we target our efforts to generating a positive impact on our customers, on society and on the planet.

Our mission

“Contributing to the economic development of shareholders, customers and employees, and to the progress of Andorran society“

We are committed to personalised value propositions and innovative quality solutions that allow us to:

  • Grow as a financial group
  • Ensure social well-being
  • Enhance the financial well-being of our customers
  • Contribute to creating a resilient economic fabric
  • Collaborate in economic and social progress
and closeness

Listening, understanding and offering support to our customers, to ensure they feel supported in their personal and professional projects. We have the most extensive network of branches in Andorra and a strong international presence.


We have been, and continue to be, the pioneering bank in Andorra. The first bank in Andorra to implement innovative and real solutions for our customers.

Capacity for

We are prepared to identify and meet the expectations of our customers, our raison d’être, with products and services tailored to their needs.

Social commitment

We are committed to the development and progress of people and the country. We are the first bank in Andorra to be a member of the United Nations Global Compact and to integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in line with the 2030 Agenda.

Leading the way, creating the future


Management body
Antoni-Pintat (1)

Antoni Pintat

Jaume-Casal (1)

Jaume Casal

Xavier-Cornella (1)

Xavier Cornella

Ramon Aznar

Ramon Aznar

Independent Director
Alfons-Casanova (1)

Alfons Casanova


Rosa Pintat

Sandra Sieber

Sandra Sieber

Independent Director
Angel-Cadena_ (1)

Àngel Cadena

Secretary of the Board (non director)
Xavier-Cornella (1)

Xavier Cornella

Marti Alfonso (2)

Martí Alfonso

Director of Andorra Banking
Business Division
Esteban Estevez

Esteban J. Estévez

Director of International Banking Business Division
Eduard Galceran

Eduard Galceran

Chief of Investment, Innovation
and Strategic Projects
Daniel Marsol_web

Daniel Marsol

Insurance Group Director
Francesc Jorda (2)

Francesc Jordà

Chief Financial Officer & Chief Corporate Services Officer

Albert Santisteve

Chief Information Officer & Chief Information Security Officer
Xavier Soro

Xavier Soro

Director of Global Risks Division
Sandra Sans_web

Sandra Sans

Group Internal Audit Director
Marti Alay_web

Martí Alay

Sustainability Director
Francesc Obiols

Francesc Obiols

Human Relations
Nuria Roca

Núria Roca

Corporate Communications, Marketing and New Channels Director
francesca ros

Francesca Ros

Director of Creand
setembre 2024_ang
Crèdit Andorrà was founded by a group of entrepreneurs who believed in an up-and-coming Andorra that was starting to emerge in the field of commerce and services.
Under the motto “At the service of people”, the Foundation is one of the main private foundations in the country and carries out a wide range of activities in three main areas: education, social programmes and culture.
1990 Asset Management (1)
Crèdit Andorrà Asset Management specialises in the management of the Group’s financial assets through investment vehicles such as investment funds, SICAVs and pension funds.
Crèdit Assegurances was founded, through which the Group begins its operations in the insurance branch to later become a benchmark in the Andorran market.
2003 (1)
CA Vincles Actuarial is an actuarial and risk services consultancy firm that also offers support services for corporate processes, portfolio valuations and social welfare consulting.
Crèdit Andorrà acquired the Andorran subsidiary of CaixaBank, which operated in Andorra
since 1934. The operation positioned the Group as the leader in the Andorran financial market.
Internationalisation of the Group with the opening of a banking licence in Panama, focusing on wealth management with an offer of financial services and global advice.
2010 (1)
Creation of CA México Asesores Patrimoniales, specialising in asset and wealth management. In 2016, it expanded its operations as an independent investment adviser. In 2021, it adapted its name to the new global Creand brand.
2011 (1)
Crèdit Andorrà bought the Luxembourg bank Banque de Patrimoines Privés, specialising in financial services, wealth management and portfolio management. In 2021, it adapted its name to Creand, the Group’s new global name.
2011 Espa¤a (1)
Crèdit Andorrà is the pioneer of Andorran banking in reaching the Spanish market with the purchase of Banco Alcalá, a boutique private bank offering global wealth advisory and asset management services, portfolios, funds and SICAVs. It currently has offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. In 2020, it adapted to the new Creand brand name.
2011 Miami (1)
Crèdit Andorrà entered the United States with the acquisition of Beta Capital Management LP, based in Miami. Under the brand names Creand Securities and Creand Management, it offers independent investment services (broker dealer alongside a self-clearing licence) and investment advice, respectively.
2020 (1)
Crèdit Andorrà reached an agreement with Caser Seguros bringing it into the Group’s insurance business in Andorra. The agreement resulted in the creation of two new companies: CA Vida Assegurances, specialising in life risk; and Crèdit Assegurances, specialising in life savings products.
The agreement was extended in 2021, when the Spanish company entered the Group’s non-life insurance business.
2020 Creand (1)
Crèdit Andorrà unveiled Creand, the new name to unify the brand. It is the result of the desire to adapt the bank to the challenges of the future, focused on consolidating its leadership in Andorra and driving growth.
2021 (1)
Creand Wealth Management, the Group’s subsidiary in Spain, closed an agreement to integrate the securities firm GBS Finanzas Investcapital A.V. specialising in high net-worth advisory and family office.
2021 Banca Responsable (1)
Crèdit Andorrà reaffirms its position as a pioneer in sustainability by being the first bank in Andorra to sign the UNEP FI Principles for Responsible Banking, the framework for a sustainable banking industry developed through the association of more than 200 entities worldwide.
2021 Vallbanc (1)
Crèdit Andorrà announced the agreement to acquire Vall Banc.
2021 SETAP (1)
The new company SETAP365 was founded, made up of the town councils of Canillo (40.24%), La Massana (19.96%) and Crèdit Andorrà (39.80%), which unifies the snow resorts of Soldeu-el Tarter and Arinsal-Pal. The operation, which should allow for the future stability of the two companies, marks a historic alliance in the ski sector to place Andorra among the world’s top 10 snow destinations.
Recepció_Creand Banca Privada_St_Antoni
Both entities become a single bank and the leadership in the country is reinforced.
  • All
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2024
  • 2023
Solvency report 2023
Financial Statements 2023
Annual Corporate Report 2023
At a Glance 2022
Financial Statements 2022
2022 Solvency Report
Annual Corporate Report 2022
The Principality of Andorra: A Comparative Macroeconomic Analysis
Financial Statements 2021
Corporate Activity Report 2021
Financial Statements 2020
Corporate Activity Report 2020
At A Glance 2020
Financial Statements 2019
Corporate Activity Report 2019
At A Glance 2019
Financial Statements 2018
Corporate Activity Report 2018
At A Glance 2018
Financial Statements 2017
Corporate Activity Report 2017
At A Glance 2017