Corporate governance - Creand
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Corporate governance

Guaranteeing the sustainability of the bank requires sound corporate governance that ensures risk management, regulatory compliance and correct and efficient decision-making through the allocation of functions and responsibilities.

The strength of the governance structure ensures the delivery of value to all stakeholders and reinforces the bank’s position in the industry and the market.

Group 5258(1)
Group (5)
Code of Ethics and Conduct

Its purpose is to establish and enforce the ethical principles that govern the business and activities carried out by the Group. The Code of Ethics and Conduct applies to Crèdit Andorrà, SA and its subsidiaries, regardless of the country in which they operate.

Code of conduct on securities markets

This regulates the requirements regarding transparency and protecting the interests of investors, and it includes the principles relating to markets in financial instruments and minimum international standards of best banking practice.

Andorran Banking Association code of ethics

This establishes the standards of honesty, integrity, professionalism and confidentiality that Andorran banking institutions must meet in their relations with clients, third parties, supervisory entities and regulators.

Group (4)
Global Compact

As a signatory to the Global Compact, Creand Crèdit Andorrà undertakes to respect its ten principles, within the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption.

Financial Statements 2023
Solvency report 2023
Annual Corporate Report 2023
Financial Statements 2022
2022 Solvency Report
Annual Corporate Report 2022