Talent and courage to lead - Creand
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Talent and courage to lead

This was the name given to the 34th edition of the Trobada Empresarial al Pirineu (the Business Meeting of the Pyrenees), which we just experienced in La Seu d’Urgell, and which has become an unmissable event for business owners in Catalonia and Andorra. The plurality of voices and views—from Spain, Catalonia and Lleida—on current economic and business affairs that the Meeting has managed to bring together over more than three decades, and the thousands of business owners who have attended and participated in the sessions represent the solid basis of an undeniable success.

The goal of the business meeting has remained unchanged, whether in boom or in bust: to engage in dialogue, share experiences, concerns and ideas that contribute to opening minds to different realities in order to apply them to improving business management.

This business meeting in La Seu d’Urgell would not be possible without the active participation of the Principality of Andorra at all levels. It is a palpable reality that, today, numerous projects and businesses have been generated thanks to the Meetings, which have connected territories, enterprises and people not only because of the geographical link that unites us, but also because they have managed to strengthen the relationship between countries. Along these same lines, the collaboration between the Meeting and Creand Crèdit Andorrà was consolidated in 2006, when the bank became one of its main sponsors.

In recent years, Andorra has undergone a remarkable process of economic liberalisation. Thanks to a tremendous collective effort, our country now has an economy that is open to the world, essential for a small country that has historically been reliant on trade, tourism and financial services. Now, alongside all these unique attractions, the country has an economy based on the competitiveness of its companies and, in particular, on the digital economy and the areas of sport and health—and this is where Andorra must also take on a leading role. The Meeting is an example of this.

Andorra today looks to Europe and the world with the desire to establish its new place in the economy, in a way that preserves its differential character, its specificity. It has already achieved this in many respects, and I am convinced that the association agreement with the European Union, which has been under negotiation for some time, will seal a deal that will give the Principality greater economic and financial stability (prosperity, ultimately), and will allow it to join a global market of over 500 million inhabitants without inhibitions or prejudices.

The Meeting has never failed to strike the right tone for each edition, and this year is no exception. Aware that the future will no longer resemble the past, that we are in a state of permanent and accelerated change and that we must adapt to numerous variables, the Business Meeting has been able to address every moment with the help of the best experts.

Today, the great challenge is decision-making. It is true that this has always been a major issue, but never more so than now, as companies are forced to tread a path along which there are more unknowns than certainties. The environment has changed, as have the forms, methods, habits, practices and markets, among other things. This is where decisions become more complex and difficult.

For all these reasons, and now more than ever, any organisation (whether private or public) must have strong leadership. It is here that the stakes are high for the future. Leadership with talent and courage are essential requirements. At this year’s Meeting, we have seen some very striking examples. Let us take note.

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Xavier Cornella Castel
CEO of Creand