35 years of the Trobada al Pirineu business gathering - Creand
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35 years of the Trobada al Pirineu business gathering

This is the thirty-fifth year of the Trobada al Pirineu business gathering in the Pyrenees. The title of this year’s event perfectly sums up this fixture in the annual calendar: ‘Leading with purpose’. Entrepreneurs from the Pyrenees, Andorra and a large part of Catalonia have been coming together for thirty-five years to listen to presentations by speakers who are each business leaders for different reasons. Presentations that are a source of inspiration for many attendees.

Every year, entrepreneurs from Lleida and Andorra use these two intense days to network, to exchange experiences with others who strive to be ever more competitive, to be the best in our industries, to innovate, to grow. It is the ideal setting to catch up with the latest ground-breaking developments and news in the world of business, to glimpse the future. And to do it together, because one of the main advantages of the Trobada is the diversity of its participants.

The coming together of so much talent is profoundly enriching and is the reason that the Trobada has more sponsors and attendees every year. Last year it brought together a record seven hundred entrepreneurs and managers, of whom 125 (some 20%) were from Andorra. Many attendees come year after year and first-time attendees join them in returning to enjoy the collaborative spirit created by the Trobada al Pirineu.

The topics chosen bring participants up to date with the latest developments and prompt reflection, an essential element of effective leadership. This year, ‘Leading with purpose’ will discuss the benefits to wider society of the business community.

Leadership has changed, how things are done has changed. Economic and social transformation, environmental challenges, society’s changing needs and the impact of artificial intelligence, all demand change to our model of leadership. Businesspeople must develop as society develops and know how to listen and respond. 

Beyond their financial goals, businesses have a duty to generate added value that addresses the emerging social and environmental challenges that I have mentioned. To lead with purpose is to be committed to that principle. And to show that commitment by being involved in economic and social progress.

Creand Crèdit Andorrà, as the main sponsor from Andorra of the Trobada, does its bit every year to support this gathering point for the business community in Andorra and Catalonia that promotes conversation, connection and relationship-building. We are sure that this is one more way in which we can contribute to the development of the business and entrepreneurial ecosystem, which is so fundamental to the country’s economy. The Trobada also helps to position the Pyrenees as a cross-border axis, and each year’s programme is designed to be of value to the region, its businesses and its people.

Speakers at this 35th Trobada on 13 and 14 June include former Prime Minister of Italy Enrico Letta, cybersecurity expert Chema Alonso, Professor of Economics Xavier Sala i Martín and coach Luis Galindo. With them we will learn about geopolitics, developments in cybersecurity, prospects for the economy and how to foster motivation. There will also be speakers from firs such as Alier, Motocard, Construccions Cervós and Semillas Fitó who will talk about purposeful leadership, Lleida style.

Ibex will also have space at the Trobada with representatives from Merlin and Enagas.  Purposeful business strategies will be presented at a panel discussion by executives from Kave Home, City Football Group and Saica. And as they do every year, startups will also have an opportunity to introduce themselves. This year we will hear from The Smart Lollipop, Pack2earth, Talkual and Imascono.

In short, I encourage you to take part in the 35th Trobada al Pirineu. This year’s conference will surely show once more that the business community of the Pyrenees has leaders of great talent, strong values, a renewed commitment to innovation and inspiring and transformational purpose.

Diari d’Andorra 30.05.2024

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Xavier Cornella Castel
CEO of Creand